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Now more than ever, we realize how important it is to have our finances in order and understand what it means to have a financial plan that is based upon sound Biblical principles. That’s why Groton Bible Chapel has invested in a program called Ramsey+. Together, we’ll learn what it means to be good stewards of all God has given us.

The program is absolutely free to our Groton Bible Chapel Family and it is our gift to you because we firmly believe that having financial peace and living a lifestyle of generosity is possible even during uncertain times like these. Follow these simple steps to take your first step towards Financial Freedom!

Financial Tools

These tools are designed to help you build a budget, dump debt, grow your wealth, and leave money stress behind. Each lesson is based on biblical wisdom and common sense. Login to your Ramsey+ account and keep track of your progress!

Take control of your money with tips from the Ramsey+ experts.

Take control of your money with tips from the Ramsey+ experts.

Manage your paychecks by creating and keeping a budget.

Manage your paychecks by creating and keeping a budget.

Track your progress through the Ramsey+ step-by-step program.

Track your progress through the Ramsey+ step-by-step program.

Real People. Real Stories.

“FPU put financial freedom into very small, practical steps. With the help of Dave and his program, my wife and I have paid off over $30,000 of debt in a little over a year. It takes hard, disciplined work, but with the right tools and a solid budget, any number can be conquered!”

— Stef and Lindsey J.

“I can afford to be generous without worry since we know and plan where our money goes.”

— Beth S.

“Since taking the class, we have been able to pay in cash for a year of grad school—more specifically, a doctorate degree. We have no credit card debt and have enough savings for another year of school. We are so thankful to be able to live financially free and not have to worry about where the money comes from!”

— Allie and Matt G.


Debt Snowball Tool Eliminate your debt once and for all.

Debt Snowball Tool
Eliminate your debt once and for all.

Coverage Check-Up Easily find out what insurance and other coverages you need.

Coverage Check-Up
Easily find out what insurance and other coverages you need.

Financial Snapshot List your total debt and money saved to see where you stand.

Financial Snapshot
List your total debt and money saved to see where you stand.

Mortgage Calculator Plan your mortgage payment strategy.

Mortgage Calculator
Plan your mortgage payment strategy.

Retirement Savings Planner How much will you need to live the retirement life you want?

Retirement Savings Planner
How much will you need to live the retirement life you want?

Investing Calculator Come up with a plan to invest in your future.

Investing Calculator
Come up with a plan to invest in your future.